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Daniel H. Rey 

Working on contemporary art
#curation #programming #writing 
in Oslo, Madrid, and their regions of influence.

2024 updates:

On until Nov 24: Writing for
La Biennale di Venezia - Ahmed Umar and Chaouki Choukini’s participations in Biennale Arte - Venice, Italy  

Jul 25: Hosting MAJMAJ - Majlis Al-Majalaat - Magazines from the “majority world” - Display and talk at Baba Bar - Oslo, Norway

On until Jul 13: Curating ‘Álbum de Casi Todos’ - solo show of
Pablo Linsambarth at ICPNA - Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano - Lima, Peru

Jun 22: Podcast interview with UNLOCKED by 100 Collectors - Lisbon, Portugal

Jun 13: Moderating Artist Talk with
Filippo Minelli at Inloco Gallery - Dubai, UAE

Jun 10: Features interview with Latin&Gulf News - Dubai, UAE

May 26: Moderating Artist Talk with
Ana Escobar Saavedra at Bayt Al Mamzar - Dubai, UAE

Feb 8: Writing
exhibition review of solo show by Ishmael Randall-Weeks at Lawrie Shabibi Gallery - Dubai, UAE

Current roles:
Advisor  - CAMPO Foundation - CAMPO Art Fest 2024 - Pueblo Garzón, Uruguay

Advisor - Board of Directors, Instituto de Cultura Árabe de Colombia - Barranquilla, Colombia

Assistant Curator, Public Programs - Art Jameel - Dubai, UAE

Practice covered by:
Latin&Gulf NewsCanvas (Young Voices of Dubai), El TiempoEl Correo del Golfo, ABC Color, The National, NYU Abu Dhabi, and more.

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